Chiropractic Care for Arthritis


Are you among the 20 million people that suffer from arthritis? There are many causes of arthritis, so it’s imperative to work with a doctor that will take the time to understand your health history, needs, and goals so that they can offer the best treatment option for you. 

Drug-free, non-surgical treatment for arthritis can include :

  • Chiropractic adjustments to improve joint mobility and reduce nerve, muscle, and joint irritation 
  • Exercises to strengthen muscles the muscles that move and stabilize your joints 
  • Nutritional advice and supplements to give your body the fuel and materials it needs to heal and function
  • Practical lifestyle recommendations to keep you stay active, strong, and mobile

What is arthritis?

‘Arthritis’ means inflammation of a joint.  Most people complain of this in the major load and stress-bearing joints of the body  – knees, hips, toes, fingers, spine, shoulders – and attribute it to just “getting old.”  

People with arthritis pain may think or are told they should stop doing activities that might damage the joint or cause additional “wear and tear.” 

The reality is, movement is medicine.  We often get old because we stop moving, not the other way around!  Maintaining strength and mobility is absolutely essential as we get older, and any treatment should be directed at improving it over time.  

Possible causes and treatment options

There are many reasons why joint inflammation occurs, and it is important to understand these when choosing your treatment options.  

  • Old and/or repetitive injuries – this is probably the most common complaint.  Old injuries, even minor ones, that didn’t heal or rehabilitate well can contribute to excess wear and tear on joints.  They also tend to be a “weak link” that shows up when you are injured or under stress.
  • Weak and/or tight muscles — poorly functioning muscles create stress on the joints and ligaments.  Bone spurs are basically calcified calluses that develop at tendon and ligament attachments due to long term tension and irritation.
  • Dehydration — consider the flexibility of a dry sponge compared to a wet one.  Even mild dehydration can show up as tight and stiff muscles and joints. 
  • Poor nutrition — processed and chemically laden food-like substances, especially excess sugars and fats,  are highly inflammatory to your whole body and can present as joint and muscle pain. It is also important to consider food sensitivities that create systemic inflammation.  

The usual medical approach to any “-itis” is anti-inflammatory medication.  Unfortunately, these cause even more serious problems like gastrointestinal bleeding and cardiovascular, kidney, and liver damage.  Steroids are another common recommendation. They make you feel better by basically shutting down your immune system. They also actually cause soft tissue and joint degeneration with repetitive use.  

We will work with you to find safe and effective ways to get you moving better and feeling better

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