Chiropractic Care


Getting Well and Staying Well With Chiropractic Care

Healthy movement and stress management are essential for preventing and treating many injuries and illnesses!

The goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to help you improve mobility and strength, and to  improve your ability to handle the stresses and strains of life.   Regular chiropractic care can be an integral part of helping you restore and maintain your health so you can get back to enjoying the things that you love most.  

Once the root issues are addressed, we also work with you to maintain and manage your overall health and wellness.

Finding what works for you

At Frederick Chiropractic Wellness Center, it’s all about your needs. 

Your care in our office starts with listening and learning — the better we understand your needs and goals, the better we can work with you to achieve them!    We do this with a variety of tools and techniques, including chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue mobilization, exercise, nutrition, and stress management techniques.  

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a whole-person health care approach that helps reduce stress and strain on your nervous system, spine, and joints.  This helps you move better so your body can heal without the need for medication or surgery.   

How Can Chiropractic Care Help You?

Most people think that chiropractors only treat back pain, but we have great success with other musculoskeletal problems as well!  

Some things that we commonly treat in our office include:

Chiropractic can also help with pain during pregnancy and make the birthing process less painful for both mom and baby. It can also be used for everyone regardless of their age, even infants and children

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