Natural Therapies

7 Natural Therapies that Complement Chiropractic

As a regular patient of a chiropractor, you know the difference a chiropractic treatment can make when it comes to alleviating the symptoms caused by various conditions. Whether it is for alleviating neck or lower back pain, reducing the discomfort associated with arthritis, relieving persistent migraine headaches, or accelerating the recovery from an injury, chiropractic care provides natural, non-invasive drug-free relief.  

As part of a whole-person, there are natural therapies that are the integrated treatment approach, chiropractors often recommend other drug-free treatments and therapies that complement their services. They recommend that you try natural methods to reduce pain, swelling, and other symptoms that are associated with various health conditions before considering more aggressive medical treatments such as invasive surgeries or narcotic painkillers. The reason for this is that surgery is not only risky, but the recovery can also be long and difficult (and may even require follow-up surgeries) and if it requires narcotic painkillers – while they may be effective in treating pain – they are highly addictive.

The natural therapies chiropractors may recommend include:

  1. Acupuncture – This ancient Chinese medicine technique helps balance the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — which uses pathways (meridians) that are accessible through 350 acupuncture points in the body. By inserting needles into the specific points, acupuncturists can bring the energy flow back into proper balance, which in turn can relieve symptoms such as pain and swelling. The stimulation increases blood flow, while at the same time triggering the activity of the body’s natural painkillers.
  1. Applied Kinesiology – Similar to acupuncture, applied kinesiology is based on the concept of energy flow and meridians. Muscle testing is used to diagnose and treat nervous system problems, nutritional deficiencies or excesses, energy imbalances, and many other health concerns. Many chiropractors are also trained in Applied Kinesiology and use it during their patient health evaluations.
  1. Massage – Since massage therapy helps loosen tight ligaments, tendons, and muscles, those tissues will not pull your adjusted vertebrae or extremity joints out of place as fast. Getting a massage can help chiropractic adjustments last longer, giving you more time to heal.
  1. Natural remedies – Many herbs, spices, and teas are used as natural remedies by alternative medicine practitioners (such as ayurvedic specialists) to treat a variety of conditions. Examples of this are turmeric for pain and swelling, ginger for headache and nausea, and chili peppers for pain and soreness.
  1. Homeopathy – Homeopathy is an alternative medicine system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals, are used to trigger the body’s natural defenses, thereby stimulating the healing process.
  1. Relaxation – Since inflammation – which is the cause of many painful health conditions – can be caused by persistent stress, chiropractors often recommend practices that help reduce stress. Mindfulness activities such as yoga, tai chi, qigong, and regular meditation not only reduce stress, they also enhance emotional well-being.
  1. A plant-based diet – Even the mainstream medical community has begun to acknowledge the benefits of a vegetarian or vegan diet for overall health and well-being. Especially red meats and foods high in sugar and saturated fats are the main causes of high cholesterol, heart conditions, and inflammation, whereas a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains has many health benefits such as better digestion, lower cholesterol, better heart health and decreased chances for arthritis and other inflammation-related health conditions.

In summary, you can get the most out of your chiropractic care, reduce symptoms such as pain and swelling and, chiropractors often recommend other drug-free treatments and therapies that complement their services, by complementing your care with these safe, natural, and beneficial therapies.

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